(The Center Square) – Average households in the Carolinas could save $155 per year on annual electricity retail costs two decades from now with increased pipeline capacity, a report from the American Petroleum Institute says.
The report says there is “need for increased natural gas infrastructure to help maintain affordable electricity utility bills for consumers.”
“Rising demand for energy in the coming decades could put our nation’s natural gas infrastructure to the test,” said David McGowan, the Southeast Region director for American Petroleum. “Supporting policies, like permitting reform, that help foster investments in constructing new pipelines and upgrading existing pipeline infrastructure could help keep households’ energy bills down for years to come.”
The American Petroleum Institute bills itself as representative of the natural gas and oil industry for America, tied to more than 11 million jobs. There are roughly 600 members in the organization dating to 1919.
The mission of the organization is “to promote safety across the industry globally and to influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry.”
Duke Energy in the Carolinas is expected to double its load.